How to Make
England Oaks Home!

Three simple steps to get you here.


If you’d like to become a resident, we’re here to lend a hand and answer all of your questions. Whether you need help deciding among floor plans, or if you have questions about moving in, answers are only a phone call or email away.


Schedule a visit.

Take an in-person or virtual tour and check out the community. It’s the best way to get a feel for what life is like here.


Complete your application.

If you can picture yourself here, then it’s time to start the application process. Meet with some of the community staff either in person or virtually, and choose where you’d like to live. During this step, you also need to put down a deposit, or join a wait list if what you’re looking for isn’t available at the moment.


Join our community.

Let us know when you’d like to move in and we’ll help get you situated.  From getting your belongings in, to figuring out where you want to go, we’re here every step of the way. Our goal is to make moving in as easy as is living here.

Give us a call at 318.445.0520 to schedule a virtual or in-person visit and learn more.